Saturday, April 21, 2007

Water Front?

Break up has come and gone, but for about a week our street and driveway were underwater.

Caleb wanting to be the "captain" of any ship thought we should get the canoe out. So he recruited Aunt Stacey and Luke as his trusty crew.

Now we just need everything to green up!

Love and big puddles,


MrsM said...

WOW, that is CRAZY!!!

I gotta come by and see that. How does your car ferry through that??

prudhoeman said...

Do you have life guards on duty?
Those are great pic’s.

Casey said...

Holy moly!!!! I thought that our road was bad!!! That first pic really does look like you live right on a lake!!! Who needs H2Oasis when you got that hugh boys?!?!

Jenn said...

OH MY WORD!! I had to look hard to realize that it is your house and not your cabin!!! That is just completely insane....glad that ya'll have a canoe and can have some fun with the water (what else are you going to do, swim? he he he)
I'll try to call you on Monday...

Cody Meg Wywy Izy and Ruby said...

What in the world happened there? Of course all the cool and interesting stuff happens after I leave! So I thought the climate would be easier to handle here...but so far it's the exact same season that it was when we got here in December. Enjoy the spring! xoxo