Sunday, July 24, 2005

Isn't it fitting??

Isn't it fitting that today we went to church with our friends and what do you know was the topic..... Gluttony.... you know where you worship food more than God. You think about your next meal or dessert more than your God. Isn't that a fitting topic after I was caught sneaking chocolate.

I've noticed since I've began my blog it has motivated me to do different things so I can write about them. I felt this way when I would scrapbook too. I would say let's have a BBQ, I want to take pics and do a page because I just got the cutest BBQ stickers. So is this good or bad I really don't know, however we are a lot of fun trying to fill our days.

Today we went on a mini train ride. There are these people who love trains and have created a whole miniature track that they allow the public to take rides on for a small $3 fee. They are a non profit and just love the railroad. I believe they call themselves train enthusiast. Caleb and Luke loved it. They are currently working on a Thomas Engine, it isn't quite ready but a very nice man resembling Santa pushed him out so Caleb could check him out and a photo opt.

Interestingly enough there was a lady who's whole arms were covered in very colorful tatoos and the bees would not leave her alone. Who knew bees are attracted to brightly colored ink under the flesh.. Hee Hee.

We finished the day off with a bike ride. Bike trailers for kids great invention. Husband to pull it even better!

Love and aching leg muscles